This is a very simple and hearty chili with plenty of flavor. It's even better the second day! I serve this with lowfat Cheddar cheese and lowfat sour...
This is so easy and so tasty. Freezes great for meals later in the week. If you want it a little thinner add an extra can of tomato sauce. Also the green...
This is one of my weekly meals for my family! It's easy and delicious. Top with sour cream, Cheddar cheese, chopped onion, green onion, or crushed tortilla...
This is just the best tasting chili. My family prefers it over beef chili. I like to put out toppings such as chopped onion, cilantro, chopped bell pepper,...
I never knew what I was missing until my mother-in-law made this! Everyone begged her for the recipe. A nice and easy way to feed a crowd. Thanks to my...
This is an easy chili recipe that you can throw in the slow cooker and forget about all day. Great topped with Cheddar cheese, crushed corn chips, and...
Ground turkey, stewed tomatoes, and four kinds of beans make this chili quick, light, and flavorful. It's great served in bowls and sprinkled with cheese...
A traditional style chili that can be made with ground turkey or ground beef. I have made this recipe with ground beef and ground turkey, and they both...
I served mine with some beautifully ripe slices of avocado that gives the final bowl another layer of silky richness. By the way, don't let the cocoa powder...
I made this with leftover turkey but would also work well with leftover chicken, too! Garnish with sour cream, shredded Cheddar cheese, and tortilla chips,...
A different way to prepare chili and cornbread! This is a bit on the spicier side, so go easy on the chili powder and jalapenos for a milder version. This...
I looked at the top 5 recipes on this site, combined my favorite ingredients from each, plus a few of my own (Sriracha®/adobe sauce) and...ta-da! A meaty,...
I like chili, but I'm not a fan of heat for heat's sake. I wanted something that would warm me up but not be overwhelmingly hot, and this was the result....
It doesn't get easier than this! Brown some meat, then toss in the rest of the ingredients and hit start! Feel free to adjust the heat level by adding...
This is my family's favorite turkey chili for a crowd that we serve with freshly baked cornbread, sour cream, and shredded cheeses for a topping. The secret...
Using some fresh and some canned ingredients, this chili is a snap to throw together and will keep you craving it for days. Chunky zucchini, fresh green...
The coconut, curry, and mango chutney really put the flavor in this one. I put this together one night with what I had, and loved the results. It tastes...
This is a hearty and relatively low-fat chili recipe that is guaranteed to satisfy even the most sadistic spicy food lover...REAL MAN FOOD. (For those...
I'm on a constant quest to provide lean but still delicious food for my family. This is my most recent take on chili. Top with your favorite garnishes,...
There are two things that make for a great Thanksgiving leftovers recipe. The first one is, it shouldn't remind you of the original meal. Plus, and just...
This chili is delicious. Add whatever amount of seasonings your family enjoys, and also add extra vegetables like zucchini and carrots if you want. Please...
This is the turkey chili I made to compete on It's not overbearingly spicy, with good texture and flavor. To thicken this chili,...
An easy chili that's sure to please. I've made this for a Halloween party and a chili cook-off at work with great results! It's a great base with lots...
This is a favorite of ours for Halloween. Pop it in the slow cooker before work and dinner for the crew is ready in time for Trick or Treat! Serve with...
I have made this dish for a group of 40. Made sure I did not tell them it was turkey until they asked for the recipe. Everyone could not believe it was...
This is the best white chili variation, and it is healthier than most. This won first prize at our company chili cook-off. The other contestants were mad...
I love a spicy and thick chili during fall and winter months; this recipe (made with ground turkey) kicks butt! The cocoa powder is the secret ingredient!...
This turkey chili isn't your typical chili. It is thick with brown rice and isn't full of liquid like other chili recipes. It's full of flavor and tastes...
Another way to use your leftover turkey from Thanksgiving is turkey chili. Not a lot of prep time, allowing you plenty of time for Black Friday shopping....
We all know true chili uses beef and no beans, but this is so flavorful you won't miss the beef. This turkey chili is cooked in the Instant Pot® with...
Fred is German and I am Texan! This creation is a blend of the two! Have a different ethnic background? You can easily add spices and other ingredients...
This delicious red chili has the right amount of kick and will warm you right up with ground turkey and veggies! Perfect with a beer, during a football...
Modified from various recipes for our tastes - sized to fit my 3 quart slow cooker. Serve with sour cream, shredded cheese, and cornbread or corn chips...